Bournemouth Hospital's New Plantroom Goes Live - May 24

Quirepace have recently turned on the new central hub plant room at Bournemouth Hospital

As part of the New Hospital Programme, Bournemouth Hospital is undergoing major redevelopment. Part of this is the new BEACH Building spanning 23,000m2. BEACH will contain a new maternity unit and children’s unit as well as an enhanced emergency department – larger than the existing facilities at RBH and Poole combined – and a critical care unit with a 30-bed capacity.

Quirepace have been the supplier of the Pneumatic Tube System to Bournemouth Hospital since the mid 90’s and this latest upgrade and development sees a new hub plantroom come on-line capable of serving the expanded hospital campus. The new MINERVA Linear Coupler is connected to a 10-line Pneumatic Tube System network and incoporates train-line high speed connections to and from the new Laboratory building.

To find out more about how Quirepace MINERVA systems can enhance your facility, contact us today.


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