

Quirepace have recently completed the installation of a BVC Centralised Vacuum Cleaning System for a plastic film manufacturer.


The system serves two production areas which have a number of multi-platform production towers in them and the towers. The system removes plastic pellets and powders from which they are produced.

The system enables two operators using 51 mm hoses and tools to undertake good housekeeping vacuum cleaning duties using a hose length of 7.5 metes which can be extended by another 7.5 metre hose providing a maximum hose length of 15 metres.

One production facility has 26 hose connection points interconnected with 198 metres of zinc plated mild steel pipe work and the other has 24 hose connection points interconnected with 228 metres of pipe work. An additional pipe locates another hose connection within the area of the nest of raw product silos allowing cleaning of the silo bases.

Extracted materials a pneumatically conveyed from point of pick up to a plant located outside comprising a 7.5 square metre filter separator where the materials are disengaged from the conveying air and are immediately dispensed from the vessel via a rotary discharge valve into an FIBC below. Cleaning of the filtration media is undertaken by the reverse jet technique, the FIBC and the filter separator hopper are provided with level probes to protect them from being overfilled.

Motive conveying air is generated by a positive displacement exhauster package powdered by a 15.0 kw motor provided with all necessary ancillaries and located within a force draft ventilated acoustic enclosure ensuring noise emission level is kept below 75 dB(A) at 1 metre measured under free field conditions.